How Much Protein Do You Need?

Protein is essential for life and an important part of every cell in our bodies. The building blocks of protein, amino acids, are needed to repair cells, build and repair muscles, and to make hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Protein can also influence our immune function and metabolism.

Although most people are eating enough protein, many could choose better protein sources and optimize how they distribute their protein intake throughout the day. For example, the average person eats too much protein for supper, and too little in the morning. Almost everyone can benefit from including some protein at most meals and snacks to help control blood glucose levels and feel full longer. Athletes are another group who can benefit from better protein distribution, as you’ll see below.

READ  Healthy or Hype? Protein Powder

The amount of protein that you need depends on your age, weight, and how active you are.  The Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram per day (or 0.36 g per pound) for adults; children need more because they are still growing. This works out to about 45 g/day for a 125-lb (57 kg) adult, 55 g for a 150-lb (68 kg) adult, and 65 g for a 180-lb (82 kg) adult.  But research shows this estimate might be on the low side, particularly for certain groups of people.

Charlotte KallaAthletes

Athletes, especially those engaged in intense training or strength training, have higher protein requirements.  Athletes need more protein than sedentary people because they have a greater lean mass and a greater need for muscle growth and repair. The table below shows estimated protein requirements for athletes. New research suggests protein requirements for endurance athletes may be slightly higher than those indicated in this table (up to  1.8 g/kg/d).

Estimated Protein Requirements Burke


People over 60

It’s harder for older people to build muscle, or even keep the muscle that they have. After 40 years of age, most adults start to lose muscle (estimated at about 8% per decade). Studies show that older adults need more protein to help build muscle and preserve muscle, and most elderly people likely aren’t consuming enough protein (as shown in this recent study.) Experts believe older people should be consuming at least 1.0 to 1.2 g/kg/day to help preserve muscle mass, and this recent study in adults 52-75 years of age suggests that 1.5 g/kg day is necessary to build and maintain muscle.

But it’s important to remember that the most potent stimulus for muscle health (which has a great influence on overall health) is some form of physical activity, especially strength training.  Healthy muscles are important for day-to-day activities, coordination, and balance. Stack the cards in your favor, and strengthen your muscles now. No matter your age, it’s never too late start!

How Should I Meet My Protein Requirements?

Bowl of mayonnaiseBest Protein Sources

For overall health and nutrition, you should get protein from a variety of different foods. In terms of muscle growth and repair, the amino acid leucine seems to be important, especially after exercise or strength training.  Studies suggest that whey protein, a rapidly digestible protein found in milk and milk products, might have an edge on other protein sources for muscle building and repair. Whey is also a good source of three essential amino acids thought to be critical for repairing and building muscle (the branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine).

For optimal health, be sure to look beyond a food’s protein content: consider the entire “protein package,” or the important nutrients you’re getting along with the protein.

    • MILK & MILK PRODUCTS have the added benefit of calcium.
    • MEAT provides iron and zinc, but can be high in saturated fat, so choose lean cuts
    • FISH and SEAFOOD are also a good source of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats
    • LEGUMES are rich in fiber and other protective phytochemicals
    • TOFU and other traditional soy-based foods like tempeh are a healthful source of protein
    • NUTS contain fiber, healthy fats, and other protective compounds.

Protein Content of Common Foods

This table, from my cookbook and food guide, shows you the many ways you can achieve your daily protein requirement.

Protein Content Of Common Foods

Also, here’s an infographic showing protein content of foods.  I’ve focused on non-meat sources since they vary quite a bit (and you can typically expect about 20 to 30 g from most meat, fish, and poultry).

How Much Protein Sm

What Does a Day’s Worth of Protein Look Like?

Here is how a 70 kg (154 lb) endurance athlete can achieve an intake of 1.5 g protein/kg, distributed for optimal muscle protein synthesis in a day through healthful foods.

BerryYogurt_RT (640x373)Breakfast includes
    • 6 oz. Greek yogurt (16 g)
    • 2 tbsp. peanut butter (8g)
 Lunch includesPumpkin soup
    • 1 cup lentils (16g)
    • 1 oz cheese (7g)
    • 8 oz milk (8 g)
    • 1 fruit serving (2g)
    • 1 vegetable serving (2g)
Smoothie made with strawberries and bananasSnack includes
    • Smoothie with yogurt, milk, fruit (12 g)
    • handful of nuts (8g) 
salmon_fotoliaSupper includes
    • 3 oz salmon (21 g)
    • 1 cup vegetables (4 g)
    • ½ cup cooked brown rice (2 g)

This diet would likely include more foods that contribute protein, so you see it’s not that hard to meet protein needs. Eating more than the requirement usually isn’t a problem if it’s not at the expense of other healthy foods you need for good health.

Do I Need Protein Powder or Protein Bars?

Most people are already eating more than the recommended amount of protein through their diet. Your first option should be real foods like beans, legumes, meats, and dairy, because these foods offer other important nutrients that your body needs. Sometimes protein supplements like bars can be convenient, just keep in mind what you’re getting along with the protein (often lots of sugar!). Protein powders aren’t necessary, but might help some people boost their protein intake in the morning if they add it to a smoothie or hot cereal.  Real food is best, because these supplements can be expensive,  are often highly processed,  can have questionable additives, and often contain lots of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

READ  Healthy or Hype? Protein Powder

stopwatchDoes it Matter When I Eat Protein?

Yes. Your body can only store and use a small amount of protein at a time, so when you eat protein influences how your body uses it.

Most people tend to consume enough protein, but the way it’s typically distributed throughout the day isn’t optimal for muscle building or repair.

Your body needs about 20 to 30 grams at a time for muscle building processes: most people don’t consume this amount in the morning, but eat two to three times the amount they need at dinner.

Eating large amounts of protein at one sitting doesn’t help muscles, as it’s not “saved for later” like carbohydrates or fat are, but used for energy or stored as fat. So, although someone could be getting the amount of protein they need in a day, because it’s not properly distributed, they aren’t getting what their body needs.

Build a Better Breakfast

Breakfast is likely the meal where you are falling short, so consider adding Greek yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, or other high-protein foods to meet your protein needs. Or try this nutritious breakfast, one of my favourites!

READ  6 Healthy Morning Meals: The Science Behind Breakfast

Bottom Line

  • Aim for 3 meals a day with about 20-30 grams of protein, chosen from a variety of healthy sources.
  • Include some form of strength training in your physical activity routine
  • Target 4 meals a day with at least 20 grams of protein to help muscles recover from workouts, or to help build muscle.
  • Protein is important, but you won’t eat your way to great performances or strong muscles: much more critical is a well-planned training program with efforts to stimulate muscle growth and recovery to allow for muscle repair.
  • After workouts, some protein is important for muscle repair, but don’t ignore the more fundamental need of carbohydrates to refuel your muscles
  • Although protein is important to build and repair muscles, an endurance athlete is fueled by carbohydrates, so carbs should still be the foundation of your workout snacks and most meals.

More Sports Nutrition Articles


Updated June 26, 2016

Skier (Charlotte Kalla) photo by Frankie Fouganthin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

coffee_© Vincent Mo_Latte

This week, read about coffee & diabetes,  dietary fiber, ice baths for recovery, how laughter eases stress, and nutrition updates from the Experimental Biology conference.

An excuse to drink more coffee?  If you’re at risk for diabetes, you might want to think about your coffee drinking habits. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that increasing coffee consumption by on average 1.5 cups/day over 4 years reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes, while decreasing coffee consumption was linked to a higher risk of diabetes.  People who maintained a high intake of coffee throughout the study (24+ oz/day) had 37% lower rates of diabetes that people who drank < 8 oz day.  The authors speculate that the antioxidants and other bioactive compounds in coffee may be important for glucose metabolism. This study confirms previous research linking higher coffee intake to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and is the first study to show that changing coffee drinking habits also influences risk.  Maintaining a healthy weight and being physically active remain the most important lifestyle habits you can change to reduce your diabetes risk. (Diabetologia ; Online April 24, 2014).

Fiber – Are You Getting Enough? Two new studies add to the knowledge of the many benefits of a fiber-rich diet.  Researchers from Imperial College London shed light on how fiber makes us feel full by releasing an anti-appetite molecule called acetate.  (Nature Communications 5, 3611 April 2014). Another study showed that dietary fiber benefits heart attack survivors, possibly by reducing inflammation, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing LDL cholesterol. These benefits were mainly from cereal and grain fiber sources (take note if you avoid grains!).  (BMJ 2014;348:g2659)

  • Most people aren’t consuming enough fiber. Aim for 35 g/day from a variety of sources. You can achieve this by eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes,  nuts and seeds (animal foods contain no fiber).  Read more about fiber here.

Do Ice Baths Help Recovery from Intense Exercise? Many elite athletes use ice baths after hard workouts to improve muscle recovery.  In the past few years, several studies have questioned this practice. In a new study, researchers compared ice baths to regular-temperature baths. One of the regular-temperature bath groups also had “recovery oil,” which was simply soap, used as a “placebo” condition.  The placebo condition did as well as the ice bath, suggesting that there’s no real benefit (beyond what you think) to bathing in ice cold water. While more research needs to be done, don’t ignore the power of your mind: if you think it’s going to help you, it probably will!

Laugh a Little, or a Lot! Two studies presented at the Experimental Biology Conference in San Diego showed how laughing benefits our health. One study showed that laughter has mental benefits similar to meditation.  Another study showed that laughter might help fight memory loss by reducing the stress hormone cortisol, which can interfere with memory and learning: after watching a funny video, healthy seniors and seniors with diabetes had significantly reduced cortisol levels and improved scores on a memory test compared to seniors who hadn’t watched the video.  These aren’t the first studies to show benefits to laughter. Previous research shows laughter can help depression and heart disease. Read more about the benefits of laughter here.

Nutrition News from Experimental Biology 2014.  I wish I had been in San Diego last week! Not to escape Ottawa’s weather, or because I lived there for 7 years (o.k., while maybe), but because the American Society for Nutrition put together an excellent program at the Experimental Biology conference. Fortunately, science writer David Despain and Grad student Colby Vorland were reporting from the some of the nutrition-related sessions. Take a look at some highlights:

Have a good week! Don’t go overboard with the coffee and the fiber, but you don’t need to worry about the laughter. . .




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Mixed Berry Yogurt with Almonds

This is a fast and easy breakfast, snack, or dessert that is high in protein.  I typically use a blend of frozen mixed berries, but fresh berries would be an excellent choice as well.  You can prepare this ahead of time so breakfast is waiting for you when you open the fridge. For breakfast on the go,  layer it in a small mason jar with a lid.

Why Protein in the Morning? Although most people tend to consume enough total protein in a day, the way they distribute their protein intake isn’t optimal for muscle repair. Your body needs about 20 to 30 grams of protein at a time for muscle building processes: most people don’t consume this amount in the morning, but eat two to three times the amount they need at dinner (and more protein doesn’t build or repair more muscle).

READ  How Much Protein Do You Need?


  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (plain – I use nonfat, but other varieties will work)
  • 1 cup mixed berries (thawed if from frozen)
  • Whole almonds (about 10)
  • 1/4 cup oats, granola, or other whole grain cereal

Makes ONE Serving.


You can put this together a variety of ways. It looks great layered in a glass cup or bowl.


  • This breakfast lends itself to endless variations. If this is for dessert and you want something more decadent, use a creamier vanilla yogurt or layer in a bit of maple syrup on top of the yogurt.
  • Any kind of nut will do. Toast them for maximum crunch and flavor.
  • If you don’t have berries on hand, this works well with just about any fruit.
READ  6 Healthy Morning Meals: The Science Behind Breakfast

Nutrition Notes

  • Greek yogurt is exceptionally rich in protein and calcium, so a great way to start the day (most people don’t eat enough protein in the morning).  High yogurt consumption (> 7 servings/week) is linked to lower weight (especially in people who eat more fruit), and lower risk of diabetes.
  • blueberries_MSBerries are one of the most nutritious fruit: they are rich in vitamin C, fiber, folate, and potassium. They also rank higher in antioxidant power than most fruits and vegetables. Berries also contain anthocyanin, a phytochemical that helps fight oxidative cell damage that can lead to chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • almond_fotoliaAlmonds are a great source of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fiber, Vitamin E and important minerals (notably magnesium). Like other nuts, they can lowers LDL (“bad” cholesterol), and increase HDL (“good” cholesterol), and help lower blood pressure. A recent study suggests eating nuts daily might help you live longer and improve your health. Regular almond consumption can improve blood flow, increase blood levels of antioxidants, and lower blood pressure. Like other nuts, almonds are high in calories (50 g of almonds have about 290 calories), but that might not be a great concern for those who don’t need the extra calories: another just-published study  showed that eating almonds as snacks for 1 month suppressed hunger and desire to eat sensations and didn’t affect body weight.  Read about the latest studies on almonds and health (Experimental Biology, April 2014here.

Nutrition Per Serving

  • 350 calories
  • 29 g protein
  • 7 g fat
  • 0 mg cholesterol
  • 42 g carbohydrate
  • 6 g fiber
  • 120 mg sodium
  • 200 mg potassium
  • Iron: 12 % Daily Value
  • Calcium: 30 % Daily Value

Watch me make the berry parfait and talk about recipes for runners on CTV Morning Live.

Sheila_CTV Live1

More Breakfast Recipes

You’ll find more healthy recipes here.


Reviewed and updated July 7, 2014

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This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about inspiration for older athletes, myths of modern day dieting, and the lack of nutrition education in medical schools.

Meb_Keflezighi_in_2014_Boston_Marathon (1)Inspiration for older athletes.  This year’s Boston Marathon was won by Meb Keflezighi, just shy of his 39th birthday. Remarkably, this is the fastest marathon Keflezighi has ever ran.  Like some others, Meb is redifining what “old’ means for athletes. If you’re interested in the amazing feats of other aging athletes, the benefits of staying active throughout life, or curious about strategies to maintain your peak fitness at despite your age, check out my information page for Masters athletes. 

Myths of modern day dieting. Yoni Freedhoff, Medical director at Ottawa’s Bariatric Medical Institute, and author of the popular blog Weighty Matters, has been posting some great short videos debunking the myths of modern-day dieting.  The myths are featured in his recent book, The Diet Fix, which is a breath of fresh air amidst a sea of fad diet books. Freedhoff lets you know that there are no quick fixes to losing weight, and focuses his book on helping you develop the skills you need to help support permanent behavior change. The book is practical, showcases Freedhoff’s vast-experience as a weight-loss specialist, and is routed in evidence-based behavior change and weight loss strategies.

The Neglect of Nutrition in Medical Education. You may find it surprising (and discouraging!) to learn that most medical students receive very little, if any, nutrition education.  In this article, a 2nd year medical student at Harvard Medical School reports on the his mere 9 hours of nutrition education, which is similar (or even better) to other schools.  Given that heart disease, diabetes, other chronic diseases, and obesity are leading health problems with recognized dietary causes, it seems that there is much room for improvement in the medical school curriculum. Marion Nestle’s accompanying editorial is also worth reading. Hopefully change is imminent: this month’s American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also highlights the problem with a supplement devoted to the topic.(JAMA Intern Med.  April 14, 2014.)

Photo credit: By Gr5 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0]

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