Masters Athletes

Use it or lose it! Competing in sport is a great way for all ages to keep motivated and stay fit.   Of course, you certainly don’t need to compete to benefit from being active, but racing certainly helps you set goals, challenge your mind, challenge your body, and gives you extra motivation to stick to a fitness plan. You will also likely meet like-minded individuals who will help create a social support network and make your activities more enjoyable.

Here is a list of resources, good reading, and inspiration for masters athletes.

General Resources

More Reading & Good Advice

Here are some articles that provide some great information (and much inspiration) for you to stay active.

Strength Training/Injury Prevention
for Masters Athletes

Optimal Training/Workouts for Masters Athletes

Why Exercise is Critical to Healthy Aging

Nutrition Considerations for Masters Athletes

Coaching Masters Athletes

General Reading for Masters Athletes


What can we learn from older athletes who still love to compete? Probably plenty, and regardless, it’s fun and inspiring to read about people who are still speedy as they age. Here are some interviews or stories about fast masters (I’ve listed ages at story/interview time).

I’ll be adding to this list – so if you know of athlete stories I can link to, let me know!


Updated April 29, 2019

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