Cooking doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some food preparation tips, tricks, and techniques to help you out in the kitchen. These will help you prepare healthy meals with fresh ingredients.
I’ll be adding to the list, so check back!
FOOD TIPS: Selecting, Storing, & Preparing
- APPLES: Selecting, Storing, and Preparing
- AVOCADOS: The science behind the best (and healthiest) guacamole (Washington Post, ACS Reactions)
- GINGER: How to peel, chop, and grate
- GRAINS: How to cook (UC Berkeley Wellness);
Handy Chart! (Popsugar) HERBS: Keep herbs fresh and prepare them like a pro
- LEMONS & LIMES: How to zest
- MANGOES: How to cut a mango (National Mango Board)
- SQUASH: How to cut and cook
- VEGETABLES: 60+ Healthy Way to Cook Vegetables. Discover healthy ways to cook your favorite vegetables from acorn squash to zucchini (A to Z) using this helpful infographic.(UC Berkeley Wellness)
Cooking Tips
Here are some tips to help you make healthy, nutrient-dense meals.
Replace oils with nut and seed butters
Many people are deficient in important minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium because they aren’t getting enough of these minerals in the foods they eat. Food processing tends to remove fiber and important vitamins and minerals. While some oils do provide healthy fats, the extraction and refining process eliminates fiber, protein, and important minerals. Find out how you can use nut and seed butters instead of oils . . . Go to Article
How to add more iron to your diet
Are you trying to add more iron to your diet? Studies show that many teens and women don’t consume enough iron-containing foods, and this is an important contributor to iron deficiency. Knowing which foods contain iron and the best ways to absorb the iron can make a big difference to your iron intake. This article shows you how much iron you need, how to figure out iron content based on food labels, foods that enhance iron absorption, and how to design meals and snacks to maximize iron absorption. Go to Article
How to optimize protein intake for health
Although most people are eating enough protein, many could choose better protein sources and optimize how they distribute their protein intake throughout the day. For example, the average person eats too much protein for supper, and too little in the morning. Almost everyone can benefit from including some protein at most meals and snacks to help control blood glucose levels and feel full longer. Find out about your protein needs and the best way to distribute protein throughout the day. Go to article
Reviewed and updated June 16, 2015
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