This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about another reason to limit fruit juice, how you can you be your fittest at 50 (and older), increasing your iron intake with teff, killer chairs, anti-inflammatory diets, and more. Another Reason to Limit Fruit Juice  Many people think fruit juice is a healthy choice, but the evidence is mounting that juice’s health impact […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about how to fuel for a faster marathon, more reasons to eat Mediterranean style, the health benefits of oats, Halloween candy to fuel training, and more. Want to Run a Fast Marathon? Make Sure You Fuel it Right with Carbs! Many athletes don’t consume enough carbohydrates in training and racing, despite a significant body of […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about how your environment can influence physical activity levels, a comparison of protein bars vs whole foods, the training of Olympic and world champion endurance athletes, a great muesli recipe, and more. Being Close to Traffic-Free Routes Encourages Physical Activity  If you build it, will they come? Many studies have suggested that […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about surprising fitness levels in former student athletes, heart-healthy almonds, what dancers can teach us about ACL injury prevention, summer grilling, proper push-ups, buttered coffee, and more. Can Student Athletes Maintain their Fitness After College? Although the fitness levels of collegiate athletes are excellent, it seems that after college they have a hard time […]

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