This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about why diets shouldn’t be restrictive, a great sports science/nutrition site, US Dietary Guidelines report, exercise and depression, skeptics and acupuncture, maximalist shoes, benefits of walking vs running, another reason to cut back on soda, emotional eating, and more. Why Diets Shouldn’t Tell You What to Restrict This is an excellent article, […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about building muscle as you age, more reasons to avoid supplements, why more running won’t kill you, tips to limit sugars, sleep guidelines, measuring training zones with perceived exertion,  healthy obesity, why homeopathy is bunkum, and more. Building and Preserving Muscle as You Age It’s harder for older people to build muscle, […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about event time and athletic performance, Isagenix under the microscope, urban design and health, coffee horror, how strength training helps weight loss, the limits of precision medicine, why your workouts should be high intensity, and more. Event Timing Can Affect an Athlete’s Performance Are you a late-riser who hates early morning races? […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

Happy Holidays! This week, read about the importance of overall nutrition quality vs isolated nutrients, how mental fatigue affects sports performance,  12 risks for Christmas, using the talk test to regulate exercise intensity, and more. Focus on Overall Nutrition Quality The recently published Omnicarb Trial suggested that the glycemic index may not influence cholesterol and other heart […]

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