Nutrition Strategies for Health & Athletic Performance

Athletes should be mindful of good nutrition for everyday and long-term health, but need different strategies than most people to meet the demands of their sport.  Athletes also need to develop good sports nutrition habits so they can perform at their best. Here’s an overview to help athletes choose the best foods for health and performance. Guide […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about how being inactive is worse than being overweight or a smoker for women over 30, the best strategies to reduce sports injuries, tips for reducing GI problems while exercising, how fruits and vegetables protect against stroke, how veggies can power muscle contractions, and why you should stick it to diets. Physical […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week you can read about compelling evidence on the benefits of activity, something you should be eating daily but probably aren’t, research highlighting the reliability of health info on the web, and an important new study on iron for female athletes. Why muscles make good medicine.  More and more research is uncovering the amazing […]

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