Healthy or Hype? Veggie Chips

Potato chip alternatives with clever packaging, pictures of vegetables, and healthy-sounding names like “Terra Exotic Vegetable Original” are becoming more popular. Vegetable varieties are the most common, but new additions to the market feature lentils or beans among their ingredients. Are they a healthy snack option? The Evidence Some of the veggie and bean chips […]

Healthy or Hype? Chocolate Milk for Recovery

The Claim Drinking chocolate milk after exercising will help you recover from your workout. The Evidence Chocolate milk contains fluid that you need after a workout, plus carbohydrates and protein in a ratio shown to enhance recovery (4 grams of carbohydrate for each gram of protein). The carbohydrates and added sugars in chocolate milk will help replenish glycogen […]

Healthy or Hype? Coconut Oil

Why is coconut oil in so many recipes nowadays? It used to be hard to find, but consumer demand now means that it has a prominent spot in most supermarkets. What’s behind the craze? The Claims Coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular. Health claims include burning fat, helping memory, reducing blood cholesterol, stimulating metabolism, improving […]

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