Are “Natural” Sweeteners Healthier than Sugar?

The health impact of consuming too much sugar is big news, and many people are looking for alternatives. What about so-called “natural” sweeteners? Food marketers want you to think they are healthier, and labels boasting terms like “naturally sweetened” or “honey-sweetened” are a common fixture. This line of thinking has made its way into cookbooks, […]

Healthy or Hype?

Interpreting nutrition and health news can be confusing, especially with internet “experts,” biased journalists, company marketing efforts, and headlines of single studies.   These outlets recognize that people are drawn to exceptional or miraculous stories that elicit an emotional response. Good science is the best tool that we have to figure out how something is influencing our […]

Nutrition & Health “Experts” You Shouldn’t Trust

Misinformation on nutrition and health seems more prevalent than evidence-based information.  And it’s becoming more challenging to figure out just who the experts are. Misinterpreted science, cherry-picked studies, conspiracies, and alluring anecdotes are the tools that many use to sell their stories.  Below you will find some of the more popular people or websites that do not provide evidence-based advice, […]

Healthy or Hype? Gluten-Free Diets

There is certainly a lot of hype about gluten-free diets.  In terms of diet trends assessed by Google,  “gluten-free diet” searches have risen dramatically over the last 10 years.  Gluten-free/grain-free diet books remain bestsellers.  And along with the interest is a multi-million dollar industry catering to the growing demand for gluten-free products. But will going […]

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