This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about  resources for masters athletes, avoiding gluten without reason, boring TV shows and food consumption, why exercise is the best medicine, and more. Resources for Masters Athletes Exercise is critical to healthy aging, and competing in sport  is a great way for all ages to keep motivated and stay fit.  Once you’re […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about surprising fitness levels in former student athletes, heart-healthy almonds, what dancers can teach us about ACL injury prevention, summer grilling, proper push-ups, buttered coffee, and more. Can Student Athletes Maintain their Fitness After College? Although the fitness levels of collegiate athletes are excellent, it seems that after college they have a hard time […]

Healthy or Hype? Buttered/Bulletproof Coffee

What Is Buttered/Bulletproof Coffee? Buttered coffee is a breakfast of butter and/or MCT oil blended into coffee. The standard recipe is as follows: 2 cups coffee (Upgraded™ coffee) 2 tbsp. butter (unsalted grass fed) 2 tbsp. MCT oil (a mixture of coconut and palm-kernel oils) Bulletproof® coffee was invented by entrepreneur, blogger, and paleo proponent […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about new research linking physical activity to academic performance, saturated fat confusion, why you might want to skip the deli meat counter,  and more. Improving Academic Performance with Physical Fitness The benefits of physical activity for general health are well established, and a growing body of evidence is showing how being physically […]

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