This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about the Mediterranean diet and longevity,  benefits of nitrates from vegetables, running to stay young, worrying about wheat, and more. Could a Mediterranean Diet Extend Your Life? Harvard Medical School researchers found that adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet was associated with longer telomeres in women. Telomeres are recently-discovered structures on the end of chromosomes that […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about fad diets, how supplements hurt exercise,  why running may be the fountain of youth, yogurt and diabetes, how your muscles uses protein, and more. Why Do Fad Diets Persist? A main motivation for starting my website was to provide a resource for evidence-based nutrition information, and help dispel myths and fads. […]

Foret Montmorency Training Camp

I spent this past weekend with XC Ottawa at our traditional “on snow’ camp at Universite Laval’s Foret Montmorency, a forestry station and outdoor education center located about 1 hour north of Quebec City.  La Foret staff guarantee at least a 2km loop, thanks to snowmaking and snow preservation (they stocked 6,000 m of last year’s snow […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about the importance of omega-3 fats from plants (ALA), fasted cardio workouts to burn fat, cold remedies that don’t work, and more. Importance of Omega-3 Fats from Plants A growing body of research points to the critical importance of polyunsaturated fats, in particular omega-3 fats. These polyunsaturated fats are called “essential,” because our bodies cannot […]

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