This week, read about how saunas might promote health, addictive foods, fats or carbs for athletes, big breakfast/light supper best for diabetics, avoiding muscle soreness, is 45 the new 35 for athletes? 5 nutrition rules for athletes, strength training for runners, emulsifiers and health, and more. The Strange Connection Between Saunas and Longevity A study […]
Author Archives: Sheila Kealey
Move over pesto, chimichurri is the new sauce in town!
“I’m using this sauce on everything!” my cookbook co-author Vicky Newman said, we have to put it in our book! I gave Vicky’s chimichurri a try, and, like Vicky, was using it on a surprisingly wide variety of foods: eggs, grilled fish, lentils, vegetables, brown rice, as a sandwich spread . . . I was […]
This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness
This week, read about why diets shouldn’t be restrictive, a great sports science/nutrition site, US Dietary Guidelines report, exercise and depression, skeptics and acupuncture, maximalist shoes, benefits of walking vs running, another reason to cut back on soda, emotional eating, and more. Why Diets Shouldn’t Tell You What to Restrict This is an excellent article, […]
What’s in the US Dietary Guidelines Report?
A panel of nutrition experts has released a report to craft the 2015 US Dietary Guidelines for Americans. A goal of the guidelines is to provide evidence-based nutrition recommendations, and this report certainly seems to be on the right track. There will likely be complaints about the new guidelines, probably following the theme of criticisms […]