This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about how your dining partner can influence what you eat, more research on benefits of strength training, and nutrition, health, and fitness news.

The Larger Your Dining Partner, the More You’ll Eat

Here is another fascinating study from Brian Wansink of Cornell’s Food & Brand Lab. The study found that people are more likely to eat unhealthy foods if someone nearby is overweight. The study enlisted an actress who appeared in various dining conditions, including wearing a fat suit (that added 50 pounds) in one scenario.  Researchers found that  regardless of what the actress ate, study participants ate a larger amount of unhealthy food when the actress was wearing the fat suit than when she was not.  Other research has shown that people around you can influence your commitment to your health goals. Practicing tuning into your own feelings of hunger to help you stick to you eat wisely and ignore influences around you. (Appetite, December 2014, 263-268). 

Big Friends Big Appetites

MachineinActionDave’s Strength Machine 

Here is one of the reasons I have so much fun coaching!  Dedicated athletes, innovative ideas, and incredible people, like Dave Mallory. His strength machine is pretty special . . .  a movable strength fortress equipped with rollerboards, pulleys, and suspended hanging grip handles for pullups, pushups, and dips (just in case the regular form of these exercises isn’t hard enough  . .  .)

More links of interest this week:

 See More Issues of This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

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