This week, read about surprising fitness levels in former student athletes, heart-healthy almonds, what dancers can teach us about ACL injury prevention, summer grilling, proper push-ups, buttered coffee, and more. Can Student Athletes Maintain their Fitness After College? Although the fitness levels of collegiate athletes are excellent, it seems that after college they have a hard time […]
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Healthy or Hype? Buttered/Bulletproof Coffee
What Is Buttered/Bulletproof Coffee? Buttered coffee is a breakfast of butter and/or MCT oil blended into coffee. The standard recipe is as follows: 2 cups coffee (Upgraded™ coffee) 2 tbsp. butter (unsalted grass fed) 2 tbsp. MCT oil (a mixture of coconut and palm-kernel oils) Bulletproof® coffee was invented by entrepreneur, blogger, and paleo proponent […]